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Sanford Garden Club
200 Fairmont Drive, Sanford, FL 32773
GALLERY of Plant Pictures of the Day
This Gallery page may be accessed directly by typing into a browser.

122518 Portea alatisepala 'Wally Berg'.

081217 Heliconia psittacorum x spathocir

111617 Billbergia saundersii early bloom

052817 Dendrobium 'Royal Wings' Orchid

112518 Racinaea dyeriana

051318 Hymenocallis 'Tropical Giant' (Sp

030318 Orange Plume (justicia spicigera

101017 Neoregelia 'Picasso'

071418 Pink Hibiscus

090418 Aechmea chantinii 'Yellow Ghost'

031818 Hardy Amaryllis (Hippeastrum x jo

092317 Vriesea 'Waiakea Star'

080618 xVriecantarea 'Inferno'

031218 Crinum x herberti 'Schreck'

051118 Neoregelia johannis 'DeRolf'
Plant Picture of the Day at the SBTPS Facebook page
A new Plant Picture of the Day is posted daily at 9 AM. You do not need to be a member of Facebook to go to the Facebook page. The image displayed will be a recently taken picture of a plant in Central Florida. If no location is shown, the picture was taken in Winter Springs, FL. Otherwise, the place the picture was taken will be indicated. The majority of the pictures feature a Bromeliad, but many other tropical plants are featured as well since the SBTPS is the Seminole Bromeliad & Tropical Plant Society.
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