Sanford Garden Club
200 Fairmont Drive, Sanford, FL 32773
Seminole Bromeliad & Tropical Plant Society
The SBTPS was founded in 1977 as the Seminole Bromeliad Society. At the end of 2005, it expanded its focus to become the Seminole Bromeliad and Tropical Plant Society. The SBTPS will host the 2025 Bromeliad Extravaganza to be held on September 26-27, 2025 in Kissimmee, Florida.
The SBTPS meets the third Sunday of every month at 2:00 PM at the Sanford Garden Club except in those months when there is a Plant Sale (April and August) or field trip such as a nursery tour or members' garden tours. There is no fee for attendance and we always welcome visitors.
A typical meeting runs from 2:00 PM to about 4:15 PM. We have interesting speakers on topics about Bromeliads and other tropical plants. The speaker usually brings lots of plants for sale at prices well below what plant nurseries charge. Many of the plants will often be unavailable from other sources.
Meetings include a plant raffle, a door prize drawing, a silent auction, show and tell, a break for refreshments, and more. We hope to see you at the next meeting! To contact us by email, just click on Contact SBTPS and fill out the form and then click on Send.
To access this web page directly, just type bromeliads.club in your browser. Check out recent Newsletters for more information on our activities.
The SBTPS Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/SeminoleBromeliadSociety/ where a Plant Picture of the Day is posted daily at 9 AM.
The SBTPS Facebook Group page is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/SeminoleBromeliadGroup where plant pictures and discussions are posted.
The SBTPS is a member of the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies. Check out their website (which includes Bromeliad photo databases and lots of other information) and Facebook page (which includes information on Bromeliad events throughout Florida). The SBTPS is an affiliate society of the Bromeliad Society International whose website is at https://www.bsi.org/ and the BSI Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064917241359 with the BSI Facebook Group page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/bromeliadsgroup (the largest Bromeliad site on Facebook).
SBTPS Plant Sales
The Seminole Bromeliad & Tropical Plant Society holds plant sales at the Sanford Garden Club featuring members' plants twice a year. The Spring Plant Sale is in April (April 12-13, 2025) with the Fall Plant Sale in August (Aug. 16-17, 2025).
Thousands of bromeliads will be for sale in April and August along with orchids, aroids, succulents, ferns, heliconias, gingers, fruiting/edible plants and tropicals of all kinds! Society members will be available to answer your questions and assist you in selecting the best plants for your conditions.
There are two checkout lines on Saturday morning and sales tax is included in the tag prices in April and August to speed up the checkout process. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. The sale is held inside so that you may shop in air-conditioned comfort, rain or shine.
Annual Spring Plant Sale
Saturday, April 12th and
Sunday, April 13th, 2025
9-4 PM each day
Host of Special Event:
at the Ramada Gateway Hotel
September 26-27, 2025

Meets the third
Sunday of the month
at 2:00 PM with
speakers, plant sales, plant raffles and more.
Sign up online for memberships at:
SBTPS Meeting Dates
January 19, 2025: 2 PM: Jonathan Lallier
Brilliant Bromeliads 101
February 16, 2025: 2 PM: David Sand
Bromeliad Hybridizing
March 16, 2025: 2 PM: Alex Bello
Billbergia's Tubular Beauties
April 12-23, 2025: 9-4 PM each day
Annual Spring Plant Sale
May 18, 2025: 2 PM: To be announced
Bromeliad Topic
June 15, 2025: 2 PM: Michael McMahon
Pineapple Day:
July 20, 2025: 2 PM: To be announced
Bromeliad Topic
August 16-17, 2025: 9-4 PM each day
Annual Fall Plant Sale
September 21, 2025: 2 PM: To be announced
Bromeliad Topic
October 19, 2025: 2 PM: To be announced
Bromeliad Topic
November 16, 2025: 2 PM: To be announced
December 21, 2025: 1 PM: Holiday Party
Meeting Dates are usually the 3rd Sunday of the month unless there is a conflict with a holiday.
SBTPS Board Members
President: Gregory Kolojeski
VP: Liesl Haas & Tim Dreggors
Secretary: Barbara Whittier
Treasurer: (open)
President: Gregory Kolojeski
VP: Liesl Haas & Tim Dreggors
Secretary: Barbara Whittier
Treasurer: Sudi Hipsley
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019:
President: Gregory Kolojeski
VP: Sudi Hipsley
Secretary: Barbara Whittier
Treasurer: Sudi Hipsley
2018, 2017, 2016:
President: Gregory Kolojeski
VP: Sudi Hipsley
Secretary: Paula White
Treasurer: Sudi Hipsley
President: Butch Force
VP: Sudi Hipsley
Secretary: (open)
Treasurer: Kay Klugh